Instructor - Andrew Hamilton

Andrew Hamilton

Andrew Hamilton is a Canadian Drawing Master, a Professor of Fine Arts and an accomplished, award-winning painter in acrylic, oil and watercolor mediums. Using a highly imaginative palette of the three primaries plus white he has learned that all the colors of the universe are at hand. Combining this with a loose, inventive colorful style and with great freshness and immediacy he paints the landscape. Painting mostly on location, "en plein air", Andrew paints in all four seasons capturing the beauty and natural rhythms of each. Using various media and traveling extensively, Andrew captures the rhythms, colors and moods of the landscape that inspires him.

Upcoming Events
Mon, 03 Mar, 09:30 AM
Take your art to a new level! Andrew Hamilton, one of our most highly regarded teachers, is adept at teaching…
confirmation_number $212.50
Mon, 03 Mar, 01:00 PM
How to find a subject for a non-objective painting! This is a fun and creative course that will introduce the…
confirmation_number $215.50
All Genre to resume in September