Workshops - W2505A: Channeling Kandinsky

24 May 09:30 AM
Until 24 May, 04:00 PM 6h 30m

W2505A: Channeling Kandinsky



FRIDAY May 24 (9:30 am to 4:00 pm)


Course Description:

Please join us for an exciting full studio day exploring the impactful artistic contribution of Wassily Kandinsky, known for his dynamic compositions and delightful vigorous painting freedom. 

The day will begin with a brief history and overview of his various styles and artistic approach. Specifically a reinterpretation of folk art, landscapes, portraits and breakthrough toward the abstract. If possible research a little on Kandinsky and his work. Look for examples of his studio output that may speak to you, and bring along printout images, 1 or 2 so we can discuss your interest of them one on one towards your own creative motivation. Please also bring any sketches, photographs, or works in progress that might be a good starting point for you to work from for the workshop. We will discuss as a group and individually ideas for composition, colour, mark making and overall execution towards refreshing and personal imagery.

Material List:

Your choice of paint (acrylic most suitable). Colours optional, however, make sure to have some black.

A minimum of 3 surfaces to work on, any size, but why not be ambitious? (paper, canvas, panel, etc. Up to you.)

A variety of paint brushes and/or painting implements.

Some drawing implements (pencil, charcoal, conte, acrylic markers etc.)

Japanese papers, painted paper, tissue, any collage/mixed media items you wish to play with (optional).

Heavy body acrylic gel for adhesive or adding thickness to paint(optional).

Palette paper (baking parchment is ideal)

Water containers

Bull dog clips, painters tape (optional)

Reference images to work from as mentioned in the workshop description.

Also optional: 
Perhaps start a box or bag a couple of weeks before the workshop.  Toss in anything that appeals to you that you may want to have on hand or in the car. It is always better to be over prepared or be willing to share. Save all receipts for anything you purchase so you can return it if not used.



Register & Pay
Age Group
All Genre to resume in September